Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public void delete() throws IOException
You should immediately call close() on the FileConnection after a delete() . The
FileConnection is no longer valid once the underlying file has been deleted.
Similarly, to rename a file or directory, open it with Connector.WRITE mode enabled, and
then call the rename() method of the FileConnection instance with the new name:
public void rename(String newName) throws IOException
Listing Directory Content
When you have a FileConnection to a directory, you can obtain an Enumeration of its content
(files and subdirectory) using this method:
Enumeration list() throws IOException
Enumeration list(String filter, boolean includeHidden) throws IOException
The returned Enumeration contains objects of string type. Each object in the enumeration is the
name of a file or directory. If the object is a directory, the name will end with /.
The second form of list() uses a filter that can contain the * (asterisk) wildcard character.
For example, a filter value of “*.png” will select only the PNG graphics files in the directory. The
includeHidden flag indicates whether the matching should be performed against files with the
hidden flag set.
To make directory traversal more efficient, FileConnection does not force you to go back
to GCF and use on every level of a new directory (although you can do so if
you want to). Instead, a convenient method allows you to dive down a specific subdirectory
(or move up) with the current FileConnection :
public void setFileConnection(String itemName) throws IOException
This will reset the FileConnection to the specified subdirectory, parent directory, or file.
The itemName must be a string that is from a list() -returned Enumeration .
Path and URL Information
Note that the string from a list() -returned Enumeration does not contain full path information,
or any of the “file:///” URL preamble. If you are only navigating subdirectories, you don't need
the full URL. However, if you actually need the full URL, you can call this method to get the
complete path and preamble:
public String getPath()
By appending the string from the list() -returned Enumeration to the string returned from
the preceding method, you end up with a full URL. The full URL is useful if you ever need to
open the file or directory again using the GCF .
If you already have a FileConnection open, you can always get the complete URL associated
it by calling the following method:
public String getURL()
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