Java Reference
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Figure 6-7. A form with a single TextField and a Back command
TextFields can limit input. The following constants are defined:
ANY allows any type of input.
NUMERIC restricts the input to numbers.
DECIMAL allows numbers with fractional parts.
PHONENUMBER requires a telephone number.
EMAILADDR input must be an e-mail address.
URL input must be a URL.
These input constraints might look familiar; they're the same ones used by TextBox , which
we covered in the previous chapter. As with TextBox , the flags PASSWORD , SENSITIVE , UNEDITABLE ,
constraints using the OR operator.
To create a TextField , you need to supply the label, text value, maximum length, and input
public TextField(String label, String text, int maxSize, int constraints)
For an initially empty TextField , pass null for the text parameter.
As with TextBox , the TextField class includes a setInitialInputMode() method for suggesting
to the implementation an appropriate input mode.
Forms can also contain images, which are represented by instances of ImageItem . ImageItem s
have several pieces of associated data:
•A label may be displayed with the image.
The layout determines the placement of the image.
Alternate text is displayed if the image cannot be shown.
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