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in time for lunch and then who knows how far we might get by tonight,' said Ben unchar-
'That's a bit too deep and profound for this time of the morning.'
we've probably turned north now. Do you get me?'
'No, not really.'
We reached Glastonbury town centre in 15 minutes. Ben and I had both been to Gla-
stonbury festival twice before but neither of us had visited the town properly. It was full of
quaint little hippy shops, with hand-painted signs outside. Groups of people sat in the little
square selling various bits of stuff or having a peaceful protest about something or other.
The whole town had a really relaxed vibe to it.
we were enjoying soaking up the hippy ambience, we were bloody hungry.
sitting around at tables, and an attractive Dutch-sounding girl was checking herself out. I
reception directed us towards the manager after hearing our request.
'What can I do for you two?' he asked.
'We're travelling the entire length of Great Britain and we're not allowed to spend any
'Yeah, this is Day 6, and we've allowed ourselves three weeks.'
'You're heading north, I presume?'
'Unfortunately, yes.'
'You've still got a long way to go then. We get lots of End to Enders passing through
here. Some of them do it in less than a week, but they're insane. But then you two must
both be insane, too.'
'You're not the first person to suggest that,' I said.
'All the floors in here need mopping, as does the floor around the pool table and in the
toilets. If you do that, I'll get the girls to sort you out with some breakfast.'
but there was only one mop and Ben gave himself the role of 'supervisor', which involved
muttering 'you missed a bit,' every few seconds.
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