Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Change the File Name parameter of the delimited component and run
the job. You will see the four records going to the original delimited
output as before, but now the single rejected record will pass to the
new delimited component:
This was the first time we got our hands dirty with the Studio, the Studio, and we
looked at some common integration scenarios based on common file formats. We
looked at transforming files from one format to another—CSV to XML, for example.
We also explored the tMap component and its built-in Expression editor. We built
jobs using the multi-schema XML component, and saw how we can map data to the
most complex XML structures using the advance XML output component. We also
saw how to join data from different sources using both the tJ join component and the
join functionality within tMap .
Let's move on to look at how the Studio can work with another common systems
component—the relational database.
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