Databases Reference
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The result of a left outer join can be clearly seen in the data output from our job.
However, you may not always want the result set to behave in this manner, and you
can set the join type, which is a so-called inner join, so that only those records that
are represented in both data sets appear in the output.
To configure this in our job, go back to the tMap component and click on the spanner
icon of row2 . You'll see some other configuration options revealed:
Click on the words Left Outer Join and an ellipsis button is revealed. Click on this
button, and the pop-up window will show two options for the Join Model field, Left
Outer Join and Inner Join . Click on Inner Join and then click on OK . Click on OK to
close the tMap window and run your job again. This time, you will see that only four
rows are returned, only those customer records that have an address.
If you wish to capture the records rejected by the inner join (those that do not have
an address), you can define another output in the tMap component to achieve this.
Double-click on the tMap component and perform the following steps:
Click on the + button of the output pane to add a new output. Change its
name to customer_addresses_rejects and click on OK .
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