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named after him. Traveler Clavjio reported the deep respect of Timur for
Baha-ud-Din Naqshband Bukhari, both of whom lived during the same
age. The tomb of Hazrat Naqshband is the divine radiance and the sheer
joy on Princess Bukhara's face. The tomb is like an elixir of immortality
for the Princess. Its existence enhanced the spirituality of Bukhara (Fig.
Tomb of Baha-ud-Din Naqshband Bukhari (
The Ulugh Beg Madrasah was constructed in 1417 by the Timurid ruler
Ulugh Beg, the grandson of Timur. Ulugh Beg was a mathematician and
an astronomy genius as well. On the portal of the Ulugh Beg madrasah
(Fig. 20), there is an epigraph: “Scholarship is a religious duty ordained
for all men and women.” This epigraph is quite notable that it reveals the
importance given to women as scholars. The sides of the entrance portal
are tiled with blue ceramics symbolizing the “Rivers of Paradise” flowing
down. It is the oldest madrasah existing today in Central Asia (Pander,
2002). This beautiful madrasah is the silk embroidered cap on Princess
Bukhara's head. It is not possible to talk about any civilization where there
is no logic or knowledge. The most valuable virtue of civilized people, and
especially a princess is the respect for knowledge and scholars. The caps
with silk ornaments that women were wearing in Turkestan were precious
tiaras deserving the respect of others because of their elegance. Ulugh
Beg madrasah is such a gorgeous tiara of scholarship. One cannot think of
Princess Bukhara without it.
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