Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
April 1978
A Communist-backed coup in Afghanistan results in the assas-
sination of Daud Khan and the establishment of the Democratic
Republic of Afghanistan.
January 1979
The Islamic Revolution in Iran under Ayatollah Khomeini.
December 1979
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan props up the Afghan regime in
its battle against the mujehaddin.
Mikhail Gorbachev is appointed as General Secretary of the
The 27th CPSU Party Congress approves the policies of glasnost
(openness) and perestroika (restructuring).
Anti-Russian riots in Alma-Ata, Kazakstan, as a result of the Ka-
zak Communist Party chief being replaced by a Russian.
Soviet troops withdraw from Afghanistan.
Birlik (Unity) organized as the first serious non-Communist party
in Uzbekistan.
February 1989
Anti-Russian riots in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
June 1989
Ethnic violence in Uzbekistan between Uzbeks and Meskhetian
February 1990
Ethnic riots in Tajikistan.
February 1990
Ethnic violence in Osh, Kirghiz SSR, between Uzbeks and Kir-
27 October 1990
Askar Akayev is elected president by the Kirgizstan Parliament.
27 October 1990
Saparmurad Niyazov is elected president of Turkmenistan.
November 1990
Kyrgystan SSR becomes Republic of Kyrgystan.
April-May 1991
The five Soviet Central Asian republics declare their sovereignty.
31 August 1991
Kyrgystan and Uzbekistan are declared independent countries.
9 September 1991
Tajikistan is declared an independent country.
27 October 1991
Turkmenistan is declared an independent country.
1 December 1991
Nursultan Nazarbayev is elected president of Kazakstan. Kazak-
stan SSR becomes Republic of Kazakstan.
16 December 1991
Kazakstan is declared an independent country.
21 December 1991
Founding of the Commonwealth of Independent States in Almaty.
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