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Comparison of Cluster 1 and Cluster 2 countries by International tourism
Because the Silk Road Project is a promising and strategically significant
one for the aforementioned countries, there is a need for more studies on
it. As one of the pioneer studies on the subject, this chapter focused on
clustering and comparing the Silk Road countries to determine potential
risks, advantages, and disadvantages for today and the future.
Our results postulated that two clusters can be derived as a result of
cluster analysis. Diffusion of clusters shows us that Cluster 1 countries
mainly consist of Central Asian countries, which can be classified as sym-
bolical Silk Road countries and have the spirit of the ancient Silk Road.
Even though Central Asian countries bear critical importance in the project,
competitiveness performances are found to be relatively lower compared
to Cluster 2 countries. This determination is critically important because
if the poor performance of Cluster 1 countries could not be corrected, the
project would be strategically unsuccessful in the long run.
In this context, major disadvantages of Cluster 1 countries are related
to environmental sustainability, health and hygiene, air transport infra-
structure, ground transport infrastructure, tourism infrastructure, ICT in-
frastructure, human resources, natural resources, and cultural resources.
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