Chemistry Reference
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glaze A vitreous surface coating on pottery and other ceramic materials .
glaze, alkaline
A glaze in which the flux is an alkaline material .
glaze, salt
An alkaline glaze formed, for example, when common salt is heated in a
kiln .
glazing (1) A technique for coating ceramic surfaces with a thin layer of glaze ; (2) a
thin layer of glue or fat on fur or leather .
glow temperature See incandescence .
glucose A simple carbohydrate , commonly known as grape sugar.
glue An organic , adhesive substance derived from animal tissue; see gum .
glycerol An organic compound , a basic component of the lipids ; it is an alcohol whose
molecule contains three atoms of carbon.
glycine A non essential amino acid , the main component of collagen .
glycoside One of a group of natural compounds derived from vegetable tissues, in
which carbohydrates , particularly glucose , are major components.
gob A lump of molten glass of appropriate viscosity for glass blowing .
gold leaf An extremely thin (less than 0.0001 mm thick) leaf of gold, used for gilding ;
it has been made, since early antiquity, by hammering a piece of the metal.
grain (1) A small, hard piece of solid matter ; (2) the natural pattern of pores and
wrinkles that creates the texture on the outer surface of a skin or hide ; (3) the top,
outer side of animal skin or hide that has been split into two or more layers; (4) the
appearance, direction, arrangement, and size of wood fibers .
granite An igneous rock that is made up of a mixture of mainly feldspar and quartz ,
with minor quantities of other minerals such as biotite and mica .
granulation A technique for decorating flat metal surfaces, mostly of silver or gold,
by attaching to it minute spheres of the same metal; see filigree .
grass cloth A loose, open - weave fabric made of reads or coarse vegetable fibers .
gravel Stone grains varying between 6 and 76 mm in diameter.
gravimetric analysis See analysis , gravimetric .
gravimetry See analysis , gravimetric .
green copperas An archaic name for ferrous sulfate, one of the best known iron
mordants ; see green vitriol , vitriol .
green vitriol An archaic name for ferrous sulfate; see green copperas , vitriol .
greenware In ceramic technology, objects made of clay that have been shaped and
dry-hardened but have not yet been fired .
grog Crushed or ground pottery , also known as chamotte , used as a non clay additive
when making pottery; see temper .
ground A usually white fluid coating applied to solid surfaces before painting .
groundwater Water beneath the surface of the earth in the pores of soil , sand , or
gravel and in fractures within rock formations.
group, chemical
See chemical group .
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