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addressing in the context of the LLL
paradigm. For instance, how to sup-
port intuitiveness for a particular type
of student based on learning personal
records. Solving these type of prob-
lems may produce a major impact
on learners with functional diversity
issues, such as prelocutive deafness,
since they have difficulties achiev-
ing functional levels of the oral and
written language, so emotional com-
munication online is deficient (Garay
et al., 2006), and some vocabulary
adaptations could be of interest.
and motivation. The latter can be ad-
dressed trough scrutability features so
that users are provided with features
to see and appreciate the meaning of
personal information a user model.
It is expected that helping people to
become more self-aware and avoid
self-deception, because their user
model mirrors their real actions, will
encourage meta-cognition and deeper
learning (Kay, 2006).
Flexibility and ubiquitous scenarios: the
LLL paradigm, where students are sup-
posed to follow formal and informal learn-
ing from any context, demonstrates the
need for developing standard user and de-
vice profiles that can respond not only to
current everyday scenarios, but also can be
flexible enough to cope with future scenar-
ios coming from ubiquitous and wearable
computing. In addition to these require-
ments, context/location-awareness, seam-
less roaming, and portability have also
been identified by some authors (Velasco
et al., 2004). In this context, there is a need
to extend these previous efforts into a stan-
dardized framework that will facilitate in-
teroperability and merging of device and
user profiles. Privacy and trust problems
shall be considered as well (Wiedenback et
al., 2003).
Intelligent monitoring process to
adapt to learners expectations and le-
verage the exploitation of the learn-
ing process. Current user tracking
approaches are to be extended to
monitor the progress of users, with
the aim of providing sensible reports
to learning designers and course au-
thors, who can then make improve-
ments to the initial design. Auditing
facilities will include support for
identifying, defining, and evaluating
any type of object or learning situa-
tion that needs to be audited.
Evidences of learning better: one of
the most critical issues to guide the
learning process via adaptive fea-
tures is the management of the effec-
tiveness of the learning process and
its evolving features. In this regard
objectives are twofold: first, the ap-
proach will support the identifica-
tion, labeling and managing of learn-
ing measurements so that teachers,
designers, tutors and administrators
will benefit from specific features
that impact on learning effectiveness.
Second, learners will be provided
with evidences of their learning pro-
cess to encourage their engagement
Long-term modelling and profiling: A user
profile/model is an explicit representation
of the properties of an individual user and
can be used to reason about the needs, pref-
erences or future behaviour of that user.
These data includes information for the
user about cognitive models, pedagogical-
style models, educational goals and moti-
vation model, domain expert knowledge
model, background model, bugs and mis-
understandings model and collaborative
learning model. Moreover, other types of
user data can be obtained, such as instruc-
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