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Figure 2. An instructor uses new comment and track changes features when providing formative feed-
back and a student uses new comments and track changes when responding to the instructor's comments
acquisition and should not let go a misconception
that does not fall into the requirement of an as-
signment. If the misconception is not acted on,
an instructor's silence may become a misguided
signal to the student that the misconception is
acceptable. However, pointing out and making
a comment on a misconception should not affect
the student's grade negatively, but be treated as
a learning opportunity for the student to enhance
his or her understanding of the content being
studied (Figure 4).
10. It has been a subtle issue of whether or not
grammar and spelling mistakes should be preter-
mitted or allowed to pass unmentioned during the
Figure 3. Student's use of track changes to correct grammar and mechanical errors and the new com-
ment to respond to the instructor's comment
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