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Pedagogical Module Issues
are simple models and can be easily initialized
and maintained. However, there may be difficul-
ties in defining stereotype classes and in setting
stereotype boundaries.
Several issues concerning user modeling
should be tackled. Such issues are the following:
The pedagogical module represents aspects of
learning process. It provides a knowledge infra-
structure to tailor learning content presentation
based on user model. Main pedagogical tasks it is
called to represent and handle are: course/lesson
plan construction , selection of instructional/teach-
ing strategy , selection of learning content, learner
support and learner evaluation (see Figure 2).
Choosing which learner characteristics to
Choosing the representation scheme for
learner characteristics. Often boundaries
of various levels (values) of characteristics
are vague. For instance, the boundaries of
values 'medium' and 'high' used to char-
acterize learner knowledge level are not
clear. Also information regarding learners
usually involves uncertainty especially in
Web-based environments (Jameson, 1995).
Implementation of mechanisms to assess
learner characteristics. Such mechanisms
should frequently handle vague and un-
certain data (Hatzilygeroudis & Prentzas,
Exploitation of user model data to provide
useful information to tutors and learning
content authors. Such information may en-
lighten aspects of learner-IES interaction.
Abundant learner data become available
in WBIESs and its processing for knowl-
edge extraction requires (semi-) automated
and user-friendly tools/methods. Extracted
information may be used to enhance IES
modules (Romero & Ventura, 2007; Castro
et al., 2007).
Pedagogical Tasks
A primary task of pedagogical module is to con-
struct a plan of the course/lesson related to rel-
evant learning goal(s) (Brusilovsky & Vassileva,
2003). A course/lesson plan actually consists of an
ordered list of knowledge concepts. To construct
a plan, the concept structure and user model are
used. Due to existence of various relations among
knowledge concepts, alternate plans, teaching the
same learning goal(s), can be derived for differ-
ent learners.
For flexibility and effectiveness purposes, an
IES usually offers more than one instructional/
teaching strategy. The pedagogical module is re-
quired to select the most appropriate instructional
strategy for each learner. Due to circumstances,
it may be necessary to change the instructional
strategy at a given point. Selection of the instruc-
tional strategy is based on factors such as learner
advancement, learner preferences and learning
content characteristics.
Figure 2. Pedagogical tasks control flow
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