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Figure 8. Implementation of the method of Three Step Interview as a design pattern within LAMS
5.9. Double Entry Journal
new and existing bodies of knowledge, 4) to pro-
mote cooperative learning through accountability
and positive interdependence.
Process : 1) Sharing of the educational mate-
rial, 2) Grouping in pairs, 3) Discussion about
key points, 4) Grouping in teams of 4 members,
5) Further discussion within the bigger groups
about the key points, 6) Collaborative writing of
summary of the learning material.
A diagrammatic representation of this method
-as a design pattern within LAMS- is presented
in Figure 9.
This method (Berthoff, 1981), belongs to the cat-
egory of reflective techniques. The learner has to
play two different roles: a) The role of researcher,
who collects information and builds knowledge,
and b) the role of reviewer, who compares his
findings with the established wisdom. All these
roles are realized in an environment of collabora-
tive learning.
Goals : 1) to help students focus on key points,
2) to provide an alternative method of study, 3)
to help students becoming more involved with
the material they study, 4) to improve students'
comprehension and vocabulary.
Figure 9. Implementation of Paired Annotations as a design pattern within LAMS
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