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Figure 3. Implementation of STAD as a design pattern within LAMS
Process : 1) Divide the problem into sub-
problems, 2) Assign roles and material to each
student, 3) Form group of experts, 4) Experts
study the material and plan how to teach their
colleagues, 5) Create heterogeneous groups, 6)
Experts teach in their groups, 7) Assess students.
A diagrammatic representation of this method
-as a design pattern within LAMS- is presented
in Figure 4.
approaches. The whole process leads to the active
construction of knowledge.
Goals : 1) to organise the class, 2) to design
activities promoting versatile approaches, 3) to
promote plural discussion on learning material,
4) to enrich teacher-student interaction.
Process : 1) Teacher sets the problems to be
studied, 2) Teacher shares educational materials,
3) Groups analyse the given problem in sub-
problems, 4) Each member of the group studies
a specific sub-problem, 5) Teacher provides ad-
ditional material, 6) Discussion and drawing of
conclusions, 7) Collaborative writing of reports,
8) Assessment and enhancement of reports in
discussion with teacher, 8) Presentation of the
main ideas, 9) Final interaction between students,
10) Assessment.
5.4. Group Investigation Method
This method was proposed by Sharan and Hertz-
Lazarowitz, (1980). It is based on the four main
elements of learning process: 1) Investigation,
2) Interaction, 3) Interpretation, 4) Intrinsic
motivation. During the operation of this method,
groups work on similar problems using versatile
Figure 4. Implementation of Jigsaw as a design pattern within LAMS
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