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different knowledge domains and development
teams, plays a key role in crossing international,
cultural and social borders in order to prepare the
learners to be successful in a global market, with
diverse groups of people.
As a final remark, in spite of the increasing
costs to initially develop an educational module
based on the ideas discussed herein, we highlight
that the quality factors of the produced materials,
such as evolvability, maintainability, reusability,
among others, would increase the long-term ben-
efits and decrease the overall costs.
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C. (2008a). An experience on applying learning
mechanisms for teaching inspection and software
testing . 21 st Conference on Software Engineering
Education and Training (pp. 189-196). Charles-
ton, SC.
The authors would like to thank the Brazilian
funding agencies (FAPESP, CAPES, CNPq) and
to the QualiPSo Project (IST-FP6-IP-034763)
for their support.
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ties. In Koohang, A., & Harman, K. (Eds.), Learn-
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Santa Rosa, CA: Informing Science Press.
Barbosa, E. F., & Maldonado, J. C. (2006b).
Towards the establishment of a standard process
for developing educational modules . 36 th Annual
Frontiers in Education Conference (pp. 1-6). San
Diego, CA.
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