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et al., 1992; Dick et al., 2001). The model is based
on the Gagné-Briggs' Theory of Instructional De-
sign, according to which instructional design must
consider both external and internal conditions of
learning. External conditions include the learn-
ing environment and sequencing of instructional
content while internal conditions refer to learner
mind-set, goals and prior understandings (Farrell
& Carr, 2007). Instruction is then “ a deliberately
arranged set of external events designed to support
internal learning processe s” (Gagné et al., 1992).
The model comprises five stages, iteratively
applied. The results from each stage act as entries
for the next one:
configurations, etc.) is also considered at
the Implementation stage.
Evaluation : This stage covers the entire
product, aiming at measuring the learning
effectiveness achieved. Data from final us-
ers (learners and/or instructors) should be
collected. The obtained results are com-
pared with the instructional goals previ-
ously identified.
One of the strengths of the ADDIE model is
that it offers a series of questions to ensure a criti-
cal examination of instructional goals, learning
objectives and learner needs at each stage of the
design process. The model proceeds from one
stage to another with revision occurring throughout
the design process to ensure that the product of
design does not run askew from the instructional
goals (Farrell & Carr, 2007). Although several
models for instructional design have been devel-
oped, most of them are based on the core ideas
of ADDIE model.
Analysis : This stage is primarily charac-
terized by the determination and analysis
of the instructional goals. It normally in-
volves the instructional needs and solu-
tions, actual and expected levels of knowl-
edge and/or performance, prerequisites,
learners' profile, etc. The Analysis stage
can be divided in Needs for Instruction and
Front-End Analysis .
Design : The focus of this stage is to make
a blueprint of the scenario related to the
educational product. Furthermore, it speci-
fies the elements related to the strategies,
interactivity, feedback, structure, usability
guidelines, etc.
Development : This stage addresses the
events related to the creation of educa-
tional products - elaborating the module
interface, producing media elements, gen-
erating and/or connecting practical activi-
ties and evaluative instruments, integrating
domain-specific tools and resources, estab-
lishing navigation sequences, accomplish-
ing usability tests, among others.
Implementation : This stage focuses on de-
livering the educational product to learn-
ers. Testing the module in different envi-
ronments (learning platforms, hardware,
“Open Products” Development
The development of open source software has
emerged in industries, universities and research
centers. Basically, the software is considered open
source when it is accompanied: (1) by permission
for use, copy, distribution and redistribution, with
modifications or not, with no cost (free) or paying
a tax; and (2) by the source code, in order to allow
changes. Changes do not need be communicated,
but should be identified and distributed “openly”
(McConnell, 1999). Among the reasons for the
increasing interest in open source software, we
can point out: stability, portability to different
platforms, support to the users, access to the source
code, and low cost.
The idea of open source software can also be
extended to the context of educational products.
An “open educational module” would have a
license for use and distribution, being allowed to
the users to modify the delivered content in order
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