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Such framework makes use of domain and peda-
gogical ontologies as a reusable and maintainable
way to represent and store educational content,
and to provide a pedagogical level of abstraction
in the authoring process.
MISA (French acronym for Méthode
d'Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Apprentissage ) is a
method for instructional engineering based on a
problem solving approach (Paquette et al., 2005).
The method comprises six phases: (1) identify the
educational problem; (2) define preliminary solu-
tion; (3) build learning system architecture; (4)
design instructional materials; (5) model, produce
and validate materials; and (6) prepare delivery
of learning system.
In each of phases 2 to 6, MISA proposes the
development of four axes (Paquette et al., 2005).
The Knowledge Model focuses on the graphical
representation of the content domain. Facts, con-
cepts, procedures and principles are displayed and
interrelated. Target and prerequisites competen-
cies are also identified. The Instructional Model
consists of a network of learning events and units,
to which knowledge and target competencies are
associated. The Learning Material Models are
useful to describe materials, their media compo-
nents, source documents, presentation principles,
and so on. The Delivery Models are multi-user
workflows, where actors use or produce resources,
while assuming different roles.
Finally, there are some approaches specifically
designed for developing educational hypermedia
applications. DAPHNE (Portuguese acronym for
Definição de Aplicações Hipermídia na Educa-
ção ) (Kawasaki & Fernandes, 1996) is based on
the Concept Mapping Theory (Novak, 1990) and
on the Information Mapping Technique (Horn,
1989). EHDM ( Educational Hyperdocuments
Design Method ) (Pansanato & Nunes, 1999) is
based on the Concept Mapping Theory and on
the Michener's work (Michener, 1978). MAPHE
(Portuguese acronym for Metodologia de Apoio
a Projetos de Hipertextos Educacionais ) (Pimen-
tel, 1997) incorporates to the Concept Mapping
Theory some usual relationships of the Object-
Oriented Modeling (Rumbaugh et al., 1991).
By analyzing the content modeling initiatives
described in this section, we can notice that each
approach addresses different modeling perspec-
tives, which can be suitable for a given learning
scenario but inadequate for others. EMLs, for
instance, are in a higher level of abstraction, focus-
ing on coordination issues. On the other hand, the
MISA's models as well as DAPHNE, EHDM and
MAPHE focus on the instruction elements. PALO
language, particularly, is in an intermediate level,
addressing some coordination and some instruc-
tion issues as well. Even considering only the
modeling initiatives in the same level of abstrac-
tion, we can observe that each approach addresses
specific issues of content modeling. Conceptual
aspects, for instance, are emphasized in DAPHNE,
MAPHE and MISA's Knowledge Model; EHDM
just provides mechanisms to support the domain
modularization. Instructional issues are addressed
by DAPHNE, EHDM and MISA' Instructional
Model, while MAPHE does not provide specific
mechanisms for dealing with them. Didactic as-
pects are considered in all approaches by means
of precedence relations.
In our work, we are interested in an “inte-
grated” approach for modeling the educational
content, capable of providing a complete set of
models to address the conceptual, instructional
and didactic perspectives. Also, we intend to in-
vestigate a way to represent “dynamic” contexts
of learning, where the elements of the content
can be dynamically determined according to
specific parameters defined in terms of the char-
acteristics of the course, learners and instructors.
Such characteristic is important to foster aspects
of customization, reusability and adaptability of
the educational products in order to better engage
the students in an active learning process. These
research points have not been considered by the
existing modeling approaches so far, motivating
us to the proposition of IMA-CID.
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