Information Technology Reference
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Table 3. OMII LOR quality evaluation criteria
A high overall score here indicates that the user can be reasonably confident that the supporting documentation
will answer the majority of the queries. How comprehensive and useful is the provided documentation? Ideal:
a high score indicates that the documentation provides sufficient depth and coverage to be useful for those try-
ing to utilize the product for its main purpose/function
Concise summary of the software. Ideal: Information as to what the software does
and how one can quickly get started with it
Introductory docs.
Information relating to the environment required for running this software. Ideal: is
the environment required for this software well described?
Pre-requisite docs.
Information on how to install the software. Ideal: clear instructions on installation
procedures of the software
Installation docs.
Information on the API. Ideal: clear simple user manual with usage scenarios and the
sample code
User docs.
Information on how to administer the software. Ideal: clear instructions on how to
configure the software and maintain it in operation
Admin docs.
Details how to use the software. Ideal: clear, simple step-by-step description on how
to use the software with code samples, if appropriate
Functional specification of the software. Ideal: clear, simple description of product's
Implementation speci-
Implementation details of functional specification. Ideal: this document should con-
tain not only the implementation details but also justifications for any choices
Details of product testing. Ideal: details of the test plans, test code and results from
running on various platforms and scenarios. Also describe how the user can repeat
the same tests
Test documents
The evaluator will use the provided documentation to try and use the software. Their success (or failure) in us-
ing the software will demonstrate whether the contributed software provides useful functionality. Examination
of the technical components of the software. Ideal: can the product be deployed and does it run successfully
using the provided docum entation?
Software and environment changes necessary to support the installation of the
software. Ideal: are the pre-requisites accurately described and in sufficient depth to
install and run the software?
Deployment of the product into a server or client environment. Ideal: how easy is the
deployment of this software into the required environment?
Evaluating the correct operation of the product. Ideal: is it clear how one can verify
that the software has been successfully deployed and is operating correctly, e.g. post-
installation tests?
Determination as to the stability of the production. Ideal: does the software run reli-
ably under reasonable usage and are there any tests to support this?
Assessment of the scalability of the software. Ideal: how well does the software
respond to high levels of utilization and concurrent client activity and are there any
tests to support this?
Inspection of the code within the software
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