Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Teacher Assistant
the instructor or the administrator by using the
user access service provided. An instructor can
customize the workspace of an entire class or
a specific user by toggling the lock and unlock
button next to each tool (Figure 5).
The large number of settings and services offered
by the platform may prove counterproductive for
the instructor who just wants to do some simple
tasks. That is why Diplek incorporates a tool called
the 'Teaching Assistant', which is available to all
instructors (Figure 6A).
This assistant provides information to the user
about new messages, new project assignments
and things to do from the calendar. User can en-
able and disable this feature with the click of a
button so that it does not occupy screen space
when not needed.
User Access and Personal Data
User access is controlled by Diplek authentication
service. This service is responsible for maintain-
ing users' login credentials and personal data, e.g.
home address, telephone number and other sensi-
tive information. For security reasons this data is
stored in an encrypted form inside the platform
database and is retrieved when the user tries to
enter the platform. Along with private data, user
access data is also retrieved, enabling the user to
access specific platform components and services.
Learner Assistant
In addition to the Teacher Assistant, a second
assistant that has a friendlier look is available to
learners. The Learner Assistant has the form of
a wizard and shows up after a successful login
(Figure 6B). It provides information about date
and time of day and informs the user about new
messages, projects or tests assigned to him. This
information comes with instructions on how to
Diplek offers besides the standard online and
printed manual documentation, two additional
ways of helping its users.
Figure 5. Screenshot: Setting up the learner's workspace
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