Civil Engineering Reference
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Fig. 16.3 Perforation protection thickness for a deformable projectile (e.g. engine impact)
Fig. 16.4 Jet engine of a Boeing 747
16.2 Wreckage, Small Aircraft and Debris
In principle the same assertions are relevant for wreckage and small aircraft as for
the impact of a jet engine. Convoy facilities, built with relatively thick enclosure
walls, are able to cope with the effects of impacting wreckage. Penetration is
prevented by the massive enclosure. Thinner walls, i.e. smaller than 1.50 m, result
in higher penetration probabilities.
The effects of debris loads due to the collapse of structures that do not withstand
an aircraft crash and topple over (cf. e.g. Fig. 16.5 ) are considered in the design of
the convoy facilities and therefore do not present a relevant threat potential.
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