Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
power plant: A place for the
production of electric power, also
sometimes called a “power station.”
precipitation: The different forms
of water that fall from the sky, such
as rain, sleet, or snow.
radioactive: Giving off radiation,
which can be harmful.
renewable: A resource that never
gets used up. Energy sources such
as sunlight and wind are renewable;
sources such as coal, natural gas,
and oil are nonrenewable.
reservoir: A large body of water
created by people, often behind a
shaft: A rod that turns.
solar: Relating to the Sun.
thermal: Relating to heat.
tide: The rise and fall of the oceans
twice each day, caused by the
gravity of the Sun and the Moon.
turbine: A machine that produces
a turning action, which can be used
to make electricity. The turning
action may be caused by steam,
wind, or some other energy source.
vapor: Particles of moisture in the
air in the form of steam, clouds,
fumes, or smoke.
watt: A common unit of
measurement for the rate at which
electric energy is used.
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