Biology Reference
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Biblio-ME Summary Worksheet
AREA of focus for personal or career development:
WHY do I need to develop in this area?
RESOURCE ( Book, Blog, Organization ):
HOW does author of this resource suggest addressing this issue or developmental activity?
WHEN will I initiate this activity?
SUMMARY of actions to take to address this area:
FIGURE 3.3 Biblio-ME collage (BMEC) summary worksheet
Your BMEC should be developed by first identifying the top three areas
where you can use guidance. After identifying the three areas, search for
resources/topics that provide self-help, professional development, or case stud-
ies in success for this area. The BMEC Summary Worksheet can be useful at
helping you document the additional details you need to support your growth in
each area ( Figure 3.3 ).
One of the most valuable tools used in modern day business is networking.
All of us network among our college colleagues, with other people working in
similar jobs, among managers of other companies, among our friends, and with
family members. As social as we are, studies have shown that we do not use net-
working to the degree that we can in our careers. Women do not make optimum
use of this tool. This does not need to remain the case nor does it have to impede
your professional development because we can definitely learn to network. As
relationship-oriented as studies have shown women to be, we should be able to
master the art of networking.
As important as working hard at your profession is, hard work alone will
not lead to success as a leader. According to psychologist Lois Frankel [23] , if
you're not spending 5% of your day building relationships, you're doing some-
thing wrong. This relationship development should be with your colleagues,
superiors, and subordinates. The objective of this relationship development is
two-fold: one is to share who you are and allow people to get to know your
character, strengths, and value. The second objective is for you to learn about
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