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$80 billion in 2007 and a growing global presence. Kochhar was running the
corporate side of the bank and managing almost 50% of its business profits and
assets when her CEO asked her to take over the consumer credit division. At that
time the consumer credit division was less than 1% of the bank's business. She
asked her CEO a very poignant question, “Why should I move from handling
50% of the bank to handling 1% of the bank?” His answer signaled an oppor-
tunity when he stated, “Because I want to make this business more than 50%
of the bank.” Kochhar recognized this opportunity and accepted it, ultimately
achieving this extraordinary goal of making the consumer credit business more
than 50% of the bank's business. What appeared to be a reduction in responsibili-
ties was actually a challenge that produced a significant leadership opportunity.
However, one key point here is that Kochhar asked the question and obtained
clarity around the nature of the challenge. This allowed her to see that the offer-
ing of this opportunity was due to the recognition of her talents and was in fact a
new opportunity for her to demonstrate her leadership capabilities.
In some cases, due to the shortages of female leaders in STEM fields, we may
think, “They don't want a woman leader.” Well, the truth is, maybe they don't. It
is possible that they haven't had any women leaders as of yet and don't understand
how much they would gain from a fresh perspective of a new leader, who just so
happens to be a woman! Albeit, it is difficult to be the first woman to lead among
men, but that doesn't mean that the opportunity does not exist or cannot be created.
Stop thinking about what “they” want. It is what you want that is of sublime impor-
tance. Decide what you want and think positively - they may not want a woman
leader - but they definitely want a leader. Take the steps to become that leader.
If you are thinking along the lines of “They've already got ONE woman
leader,” do we really want to be in the minority? A world equal in terms of
gender representation is not one where there is at least one woman. It is one
where there are women comparable in number to men. It is time we realize the
potential within us and the opportunities that exist out there.
Create the opportunities for leadership for yourself and other women. Take
up a cause or a challenge and become a leader. Perception of opportunity is
embedded in Your mind and will ultimately become what is manifested in our
world. Don't allow it to be influenced by that little negative voice inside your
head. Remember, many of the obstacles you perceive are imaginary and the
ones that are real can be overcome.
Defining the type of opportunity that you are looking for (i.e., the leadership
position) will allow you to realize your leadership and innovation goals. Find
someone who has done something similar and note the following about them:
How (H) did they identify the opportunity? What resources did it require?
How much time? Can I use technology to adapt my model of resources?
Where (W) was the opportunity in relation to the person's professional
position? Was it within or outside the company? In a professional organization?
With a competitor? Within the company as a project?
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