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support you and help you move towards your goals. The Institute of Industrial
Engineers (IIE) is an example of an organization where you can find account-
ability partners, mentors, and like-minded individuals.
Sometimes all it takes is this power circle to encourage you to keep work-
ing on attaining your goal. In Dale Carnegie's topic, How to Win Friends and
Influence People [5] , Carnegie talks about having a small group of friends or
associates that you meet with on a regular basis to share your goals and ambi-
tions. Although this topic is dated in terms of its political correctness, many of
his points are still valuable, and I'm calling this group he discusses a power
circle because this group is establishing goals, they have ambition, and plans,
and they hold each other accountable. Knowing you're going to meet with that
power circle can be motivating and can help you find resources and establish
relationships that can be beneficial in the future.
No one who is successful became that way without encountering obstacles in
her professional and personal life. These problems are a part of the process and
can come from the people, our environments, finances, or ourselves. The key
is to recognize the source of the obstacle, determine how you will handle it,
and know that you can make it to your goal, despite this obstacle. There are a
number of ways to handle obstacles which vary by the issue. These approaches
should be weighed and can range from ignoring it (if thinking about it is the
largest challenge) to removing or even destroying it. An eight-step principle
for overcoming obstacles has been adapted from Gilberd [6] and is as follows:
1. Address the source of your obstacle
2. Quickly develop a plan to eliminate it and minimize the impact it has on you
3. Keep your sense of humor
4. Completely ignore the naysayers
5. Follow your passion with conviction
6. Remember your past successes
7. Vividly visualize yourself overcoming this obstacle and how you “feel”
when it's over
8. Visualize that you have already attained your goal every time this obstacle
comes to mind
Even in the down times, the slow times, when we don't feel we're making
progress, we must accept that challenges are a part of a successful life! Just
because you face a difficulty, fail, or don't reach a goal this does not mean you
won't reach your ultimate goal. Goal achievement is an iterative process: you do
it once, attain your goal, and do it again to attain your next goal. But the more you
do it the better you get, and always remember, don't quit. When I was a student, I
committed a poem to memory that I would recite whenever I needed to hang on to
my dream in the midst of an obstacle. I encourage you to consider doing the same.
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