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TABLE 8.1 Work relationship indicator - personal assessment [1]
Needs Assessment
Level of Investment
Circle the letter in the one
box of descriptors that best
describes how you view
yourself in your current job.
Circle the letter in the
one box that best
reflects your needs at
this time
Circle the letter by
the one statement that
accurately reflects your
level of investment or
commitment to your
current organization
Neophyte, new to the
organization. Experimenting
with jobs and roles and
trying to find the right one.
Security, social accep-
tance, approval, shared
burden, shared risks,
feeling of belonging in
the club, full benefits,
stock options, cars,
upgraded travel, money,
status, insider, sense
of history and
My loyalty and
commitment to the
organization is based
on comparable loyalty
and commitment to me
from the organization
“Going steady” with the
organization. Testing or
looking for a long-term rela-
tionship with the organization.
Flirting with recruiters
but will turn down offers.
Control, respect, inclu-
sion, an alternative to
long-term commitment,
less emotional attach-
ment and vulnerability,
and getting what I've
I am loyal and commit-
ted. However, I reserve
the right to determine
the level of personal
sacrifice I'm willing to
make for the benefit of
the organization
Limited partner. Formally
engaged to the organization.
Chosen for potential
including into the inner
circle. Willing to make
some sacrifices.
Mutual commitment,
trust, shared risks, part
of the club, mentor/
sponsor, skills utilized,
strengths leveraged,
deficits trained out, abil-
ity to affect company
culture and policy
I am extremely loyal
and very committed. I
have sacrificed and/or
am willing to sacrifice
my personal and social
needs for the benefit of
my organization
Maverick. Opportunisitic. In
control of relationship - or vul-
nerable and feel manipulated,
used, or restricted.
Skills base, indepen-
dence, a professional
identity, status, begin-
ning rites of passage in
the workforce
I'm committed to
learning and doing my
job. I feel I'm too new
to think of loyalty and
commitment in any
serious sense right now
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