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FIGURE 6.2 How to approach team members. Source: Lerner (2006)
Step 3: Build and Consult With Your Team
(And Make Sure They're Winners!)
Author Laurie Beth Jones profiles Jesus Christ as a visionary leader in the topic
Jesus, CEO [9] and points out that when he began his work in earnest he wasted
no time in building his own team. The previous chapters have provided guid-
ance in establishing relationships with individuals who can serve on your per-
sonal innovation team. The team will provide the needed guidance, shore up
areas where you are weak, and add the array of skills necessary to holistically
see your innovations and career developed. This team of risk takers or “innova-
tion encouragers” should be diverse, skilled in their areas of expertise, avail-
able to support you, and comfortable enough with you to provide direct honest
input. The team may include your mentors, boss, or respected individuals in the
area. Often candidates for these roles can be identified in professional societies,
at business or technical meetings, and via electronic or social media. Lerner
offered an example with a four-step approach to approaching potential team
members by introducing yourself, acknowledging what you want from them,
conveying your desire to have them on your team or in a mentor relationship,
and asking them to join your team ( Figure 6.2 ) [6] .
Step 4: Take the Leap into the Innovation
After you have made the commitment, performed a risk assessment, and con-
sulted with your team, in the words of the famous Nike slogan - it's time to
“Just Do It!” At this point it's time to launch and follow through. This following
through may be a long-term commitment to see your innovation or personal
development needs to support your innovation fully realized. Personality traits
that can get in the way of the attainment of your goals include perfectionism,
second guessing, procrastinating, and over analyzing. Give yourself a specific
timeframe to begin and follow your schedule or career management plan to
make sure you're tracking the rate and success of your developmental and inno-
vation activities.
Step 5: Claim Victory: Anticipate, Expect, and
Celebrate Your Courage
If you've made it to step 5 in your process, take a minute to reach over your
shoulder and pat yourself on the back! You have done what many people would
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