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Assess your leadership skills on the following 10 statements using a 5-point scale.
1 = Not like you.................................5 = Very much like you
1. I have a clear overall vision, or concept of my organization/department's purpose, function, and
responsibility (its contribution, mission, values, focus).
2. I spot the critical issues and upcoming problems my organization/department will need to deal
with before they happen.
3. I have the facilitation skills necessary to effectively lead a group to consensus.
4. I teach, mentor, and coach people skillfully to help them handle specific challenges and problems.
5. I keep up-to-date on what's going on with my technical area, organization/department.
6. I keep an open mind when hearing others' opinions.
7. I show genuine concern for employees as individuals
8. I maintain good systems that help people work productively whether they are my subordinates or
team members.
9. I set a good example with my work habits.
10. I foster a sense of teamwork and build enthusiasm for group projects and assignments.
Scoring - Add your scores up and then find your total below.
45-50 You lead with confidence and your followers know where you are going.
40-44 You're well on your way to effective leadership; keep focused and stay on the road.
35-39 Sometimes you get off track and your followers are left wondering what to do next.
30-34 With no clear path in mind your followers are left to their own devices.
Less than Your followers are finding it difficult to follow your lead and may be looking for a new leader.
FIGURE 5.5 Leadership development assessment (LDA) survey. Source: www.pbsconsulting.
The creation of your personal leader development plan should be an activity
that empowers and encourages you. Just as crystallizing your vision provides
focus and clarity, creating a leadership development plan can give you the direc-
tion and interim satisfaction of attaining milestones in the journey toward your
vision, as this activity will increase the likelihood that your ultimate vision is
Creating Your Leadership Development Plan
The development of a series of developmental activities to enhance your capa-
bilities should be based on your personal vision, career goals, personal life,
and access to resources. Your leadership development plan should include a
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