Database Reference
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Using Greenplum Chorus
Greenplum Chorus can integrate with the multidimensional data visualization tools
from Tableau software. Chorus is capable of grabbing data from HDFS and Green-
plum Databases and throws out the data into Tableau workbooks for advanced visu-
alizations. It promotes real-time social collaboration and helps make projects more
It provides an integrated development environment for analytics. It can integrate with
any third-party data and provide insights using visualization tools that can be third-
party as well.
In Chorus, we have two sets to data types to work with:
Source dataset : Supports both internal and external data with native con-
nectivity to GPDB and flat files
Sandbox dataset : Refers to the data generated as a result of running analyt-
Chorus provides a single view GUI tool for exploring, aggregating, filtering, and mov-
ing data to the sandboxes.
Chorus integrates with Tableau workspace for advanced visual data analysis. The fol-
lowing screenshot demonstrates the usage of Tableau from Chorus GUI:
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