Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
One and a half month old seedlings i.e. 45-day old seedlings at 4-5 leaves
stage are most suitable for transplanting in the main fields
Single Row System of Planting: Only one row per bed; ideal spacing is
45cm × 45cm; ideal spacing for hybrids is 90 cm X 30cm
Double Row System Of Planting: Commonly practiced for commercial
production as high planting density in this system of cultivation yields
higher fruit yield per hectare; drip irrigation is more efficient; 2 rows per
bed ; row to row distance is 45cm and bed to bed distance is 1m, plant to
plant spacing within the row is 30-45cm
Planting Sys-
tems for Cap-
sicum Cultiv-
Pinching is generally advised for vigorous vegetative growth and fruit set.
During pinching, buds from the first and second nodes are removed; some-
times, unproductive branches below the first node are also removed by clip-
ping them off.
Staking using either wooden logs or bamboo sticks or similar strong sup-
ports is advised for tall growing hybrid capsicum plants
Capsicum plants require heavy nutrition as they are heavy feeders; and
therefore fertilization schedule should be carefully planned. FYM (farm-
yard manure) @ 25tons/hectare is recommended at the time of field prepar-
ation for mixing with the top soil. For better results, apply adequate quant-
ities of neem cake along with FYM. An ideal fertilizer schedule for Cap-
sicum Plants is as given below:
Open-Pollinated Cultivars NPK @120:80:50kg /Ha
Hybrid Cultivars NPK @200:180:150kg/Ha
1/3 rd of N and full quantities of P and K are applied as basal dose and
2/3 rd of N is applied in two equal doses 30 and 60 days after transplanting
While fertilizing the plants, care must be taken not to apply excess nitro-
gen as it may cause blossom-end rot of capsicum plants. If traditional irrig-
ation methods are followed, after fertilizer application, main field is irrig-
Schedule for
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