Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information Nitrite, nitrate, thiosulphate and iodide
Lee and Field [3] have discussed a technique of post column fluorescence detection of
nitrite, nitrate, thiosulphate and iodide anions in high performance liquid
chromatography. These anions reacted with cerium (IV) to produce fluorescent species in
a post column packed bed reactor. Nitrite, bromide, nitrate, sulphate, iodide and thiocyanate
Maki and Danielson [4] have described in indirect photometric chromato-graphic
determination of these anions using sodium naphthalene trisulphonate. The detection
limits were in the range 0.1-0.4ng absolute. Fluoride, perchlorate, chloride, nitrite, phosphite, arsenate, nitrate,
chlorate, sulphate, chromate, borofluoride, glycollate, acetate, lactate,
propionate, aceto-acetate, hydroxybutyrate, chloroacetate, isobutyrate and
Rigas and Pietrzyk [5] studied ruthenium(II) complexes as ion interaction reagents for the
liquid chromatographic separation and indirect fluorometric detection of these organic
and inorganic anions. Ruthenium(II-1), 10-phenanthroline and ruthenium(II)-
2,2'bipyridine were used as mobile phase additives for the liquid analytes. Palmitate, pyrenylpalmitate, lactate, propionate and formate
Nimura et al. [6] used 1-pyrenyldiazomethane as fluorescent labelling reagent for the
liquid chromatographic determination of the above carboxylates. Excitation was carried
out at 395nm and fluorescence measurements made at 340nm. Down to 20-30fmol of the
above organic anions were determined. Chlorate, chloride, bromide, iodate, bromate and iodide
Salov et al. [7] determined chlorate, also chloride, bromide, iodate, bromate and iodide in
non saline waters by high performance liquid chromatography with an inductively
coupled argon plasma mass spectrometric detector.
13.1.2 Potable waters Chloride, bromide, iodide, chlorate, iodate and bromate
Salov et al. [7] have described a method for the determination of these anions in potable
waters based on high performance liquid chromato-graphy coupled with an inductively
coupled argon plasma mass spectrometric detector.
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