Chemistry Reference
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Source: Own files
Table 12.24 Determination of halide mixtures in rainwater by ion chromatography
Type of water
Co-determined onions
Rain water
Cl, F, Br
Rain water
Br, Cl
Rain water
Cl, F
Source: Own files
treatment. Hydrochloric acid (0.5M) was also useful, but slightly less effective. It was
also found to be essential to use high quality water for eluent preparation, and to remove
particulate matter from both the eluent and the sample with an in-line filter.
Using these procedures, 4A-type columns have operated for 8 months and processed
approximately 6000 samples. Guard columns remained effective for about 2000 samples
and the original separator column for even more samples.
Xiang et al. [ 67 ] have described an ion chromatographic method for the determination
of fluoride, chloride, nitrate and sulphate in acid rainwater with detection limits of 0.03,
0.04, 0.10 and 0.25mg L−1, respectively.
12.4.2 Chloride, bromide and iodide
Ion chromatography has been extensively applied to the determination of mixtures in non
saline water. Methods are reviewed in Table 12.23. It has also been applied to the
determination of mixed halides in rainwater. Methods are reviewed in Table 12.24.
12.5 Surface waters
12.5.1 Chloride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate and sulphate
The standard Environmental Protection Agency Method [16] discussed in section 12.2.1
has been applied to the determination of these anions in surface waters.
12.5.2 Miscellaneous
Iegras [70] has discussed the ion chromatography of various anions and divalent cations
in Australian surface waters.
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