Chemistry Reference
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Fig. 2.49 Schematic flow diagram. R, reagent solution (dimethyl(sulphonazo
(III)) 5.6ml of 10− 2 mol L −1 dimethylsulphonazo(III) solution, 5ml
of 1mol L −1 potassium nitrate, 3.9ml of 10 −2 mol L −1 barium
chloride, 20ml of 1mol L −1 chloroacetic acid-sodium chloroacetate
buffer (pH 2.8) and 700ml of ethanol into a 1L volumetric flask and
dilute to the mark with distilled water. Saturate the solution with
barium sulphate in an ultrasonic bath and filter it through a Millipore
filter (pore size 0.45µm). W, water saturated with BaSO 4 ; P, double
plunger micro pump (2.0ml min −1 ); AT, air trap; DT, damping coil
(0.5mm×20m); IV, injection valve; SLT, sample injector (1.0mm
tubing 80µL); F, fine filter; RT, reaction coil 1mm×5m); MFC, micro
flow cell (1mm×10mm); BPT, back pressure coil (0.5mm×10m);W,
waste; SP, spectrophotometer; R, recorder
Source: Reproduced with permission from Elsevier Science [769]
Fig. 2.50 Absorption spectra measured in 50 vol.% ethanolic solution against a
water reference: (3) 2.5×10 −5 mol L −1 barium-dimethylsulphonazo-
III; (4) 2.5×10 −5 mol L −1 dimethylsulphonazo(III)
Source: Reproduced with permission from Elsevier Science [769]
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