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APPend Ix A. deTer MInIng Bound S of QuAnTIf Ied VAr IABLeS
Deinition (Boundedness of variables) A quantified variable x of type T is
Upper bounded, iff there exists an expression e such that x e , where ≤ is a complete ordering
on type T ;
Lower bounded, iff there exists an expression e such that x e ;
Fully bounded, iff there exists an expression e 1 and e 2 such that e 1 ≤ x ≤ e 2 .
This is a recursive definition because boundedness of a variable may depend on boundedness of
other variables. For example, x ≤ 1- y and y 0, or x ≤ 1- y and y 0.
Because we will construct a verification program for the specification, we should know the value
domain that ought to be checked for a variable. Boundedness of variables ensures termination of the
evaluation process.
Bounds of variables are determined based on the following principles:
For clause ∀ x . p , if
TH x e p
then e is an upper bound of x ; otherwise, if
TH x e p
then e is a lower bound of x . Intuitively, e is regarded as an upper (lower) bound of x if any value greater
than e needs not to be checked because ∀ x . p cannot be proved false in the domain that x e (≤ e ).
For clause ∃ x . p , if
TH x e → ¬ p
then e is an upper bound of x ; otherwise, if
TH x e → ¬ p
then e is a lower bound of x . Intuitively, e is regarded as an upper (lower) bound of x if any value greater
than e needs not to be checked because ∃ x . p cannot be proved true in the domain that x e (≤ e ).
We call e the upper ( lower ) bound of x deduced from x . p , written e = ↑ x (∀ x.p ) ( e = ↓ x (∀ x.p )) (Pre-
cisely, it should be written as e ∈ ↑ x (∀ x.p ) or e ∈ ↓ x (∀ x.p )), or from x . p , written e = ↑ x (∃ x.p ) ( e = ↓
x (∃ x.p )), in the above cases. If there is no free occurrence of x in p , then we write ↑ x (∀ x.p ) = irrel or ↑
x (∃ x.p ) = irrel , which means that ∀ x.p or ∃ x.p is irrelevant to the upper bound of x . Some rules apply
to the lower bounds.
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