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parameters followed by the probability threshold, while depth bound has little impact. The best predic-
tion model is the 2-gram model followed by 3-gram model and 4-gram model.
These results are comparable to results from the MINPATH algorithm with N-gram model. Moreover,
the percentage of savings are comparable to these reported by Anderson et al., (2001), though a different
data set was used. This demonstrates that N-gram models work as well as other models.
conclusion and f uture work
In this chapter, we proposed to use a simple prediction model, N-gram, for improving mobile Web navi-
gation. Our approach is implemented and experimented with two real datasets. Experimental results
show that N-gram is as effective as more complex models used in other research in predicting useful
shortcuts. An interesting finding is that 2-gram works better than 3-gram and 4-gram in predicting
useful shortcut. Higher order N-grams require more training and are less applicable.
In the future, we plan to use mixed N-gram models as a prediction model. Multiple N-gram models
of various N used simultaneously for suggesting the best shortcuts.
It will also be interesting to mix Web content mining and Web usage mining techniques. For ex-
ample, the destination page of a session is predicted by looking at current browsing sequence as well
as its contents.
Another interesting research topic is to compare N-gram models with models that learn from their
errors such as neural networks.
r eferences
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