Information Technology Reference
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Chapter VI
Extending Loosely Coupled
Federated Information Systems
Using Agent Technology
Manoj A. Thomas
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Victoria Y. Yoon
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
Richard Redmond
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Different FIPA-compliant agent development platforms are available for developing multiagent systems.
FIPA compliance ensures interoperability among agents across different platforms. Although most agent
implementation platforms provide some form of white- and yellow-page functionalities to advertise and
identify agent roles and descriptions, there are no clear architectural standards that define how an agent
community can effortlessly adapt to operate in a federated information system (FIS) where new content
sources are constantly added or changes are made to existing content sources. This chapter presents a
framework based on the semantic Web vision to address extensibility in a loosely coupled FIS.
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