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Figure 4. Dialogue using a strategy for misunderstanding resolution
— 'Teacher' - give - knowledge ( rectangle ( x )→ parallelogram ( x ))
“A rectangle is a parallelogram.”
The 'Student' doesn't know these two predicates, nevertheless it knows the following predicates quad(x) (quadrilateral),
DITM(x) (Diagonals Intersect on Their Middle) and DLE(x) (Diagonals Length are Equals).
— 'Student' - say - dissatisfaction
“I don't understand.”
Then the 'Teacher' tries to explain to the 'student' the formula's premise:
What is a rectangle.
— 'Teacher' - askfor - information ( quad ( x ))
“Do you know what a quadrilateral is? ”
— 'Student' - give - information ( t rue )
— 'Teacher' - askfor - information (ditm( x ))
“Do you know what 'diagonals intersect in their middle' means? ”
— 'Student' - give - information ( t rue )
— 'Teacher' - askfor - information (dle( x ))
“Do you know what 'diagonals length are equals' means? ”
— 'Student' - give - information ( t rue )
— 'Teacher' - give - explanation ( quad ( x )∧ditm( x )dle( x )↔ rectangle ( x ))
“A rectangle is a parallelogram which has its diagonals intersecting in their middle, and the diagonals length are
— 'Student' - say - satisfaction
“I understand.”
As the 'student' has understood what is a rectangle, it can know learn the knowledge (rectangle(x) parallelogram(x))
by just adding it to its KB, the connexity is preserved.
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