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' give ' type, with the possibility of using another ' askfor ' type if there is a misunderstanding. This case
will bring about a clause without argument: ' say - satisfaction '. Only ' askfor ' type roles will lead to
interpretative axioms. Other ones are behavioral startings.
Tutored Learning
The learning mechanism lays on a set of axioms, depends on the learning situation and is motivated by the
teacher's and student's goals. This section describes these different aspects for our tutored learning.
Axioms. Our reasoning system is hypothetical-deductive, so it allows belief revision and dialog is the
mean by which this revision is performed. Two groups of axioms are defined: Fundamental axioms of
the system and those corresponding to the FR interpretation in the system. Each knowledge chunk of
each agent is seen as an assumption.
Fundamental axioms. Our system revision axioms include the hypothetisation axiom, hypothesis
addition and retraction, implication addition, implication retraction or modus ponens and the reductio
ad absurdum rule .
Let Γ be the 'student's' assumptions finite set. The knowledge acquisition mode is represented by
addition or substraction 'deducted' by the fraction bar symbol. Generalized to the ensemblist implica-
tion, this symbol means that in premise (numerator) there is an ensemblist implication and in conclusion
(denominator) there is another ensemblist implication, deductible from the previous one, whose objective
is to make the knowledge set evolving. System revision axioms (taken from (Manna, 1974)):
• The hypothetisation axiom:
Γ, A A
if the agent knows an assumption A , then it can deduce it from its own system.
• The assumption addition:
Γ ⇒ Γ
if the agent can deduce B , then it will be able to deduce it from any superset of its own system.
• The assumption retraction:
ERROR -Please resubmit formula
if the validity of an assumption A of the system doesn't influence on the assumptions B deductible from
this system, A must be removed. To allow A influencing on B , the assumptions set Γ and A must be (but
this is not sufficient) connex.
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