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et al., 2011 ). The pseudopilus consists of the major pseudopilin, GspG, and
minor pseudopilins GspH, I, J, and K, all of which are translocated across the
IM via the Sec-dependent pathway ( Francetic et al., 2007 ). A short, positively
charged segment at the N-terminal region of each pseudopilin is cleaved off
by the prepilin peptidase GspO ( Bally et al., 1992 ; Dupuy et al., 1992 ). The
peptidase is an aspartic acid protease with eight putative transmembrane heli-
ces and its catalytic residues in cytoplasmic loops ( LaPointe and Taylor, 2000 ).
The enzyme is bifunctional and also N -methylates the cleavage product ( Strom
et al., 1993 ). The pseudopilins GspI, J, and K appear to be incorporated as a
trimer at the tip of the pseudopilus ( Korotkov and Hol, 2008 ; Douzi et al., 2009 )
with GspK at the top and GspI/J forming the base. How monomers of GspG
and the pseudopilin GspH are added to the pseudopilus remains unknown. All
five pseudopilins have markedly different globular structures but share common
features: an N-terminal alpha helix (the first half of which is hydrophobic) fol-
lowed by a variable region and a conserved beta-sheet that varies in length with
the various proteins.
T2S biogenesis requires the insertion of the IM proteins, GspC, F, L, and
M, into the IM. These proteins create a complex together and appear to pro-
tect each other from proteolysis ( Sandkvist et al., 1999 ). GspC contains a short
cytoplasmic segment, a transmembrane helix, and two periplasmic domains: the
homology region (HR) and PDZ domains ( Bleves et al., 1999 ) although the PDZ
domain is not universal across all T2S systems ( Korotkov et al., 2006 ). The HR
domain of GspC interacts with the periplasmic N-terminal regions of the secretin,
GspD ( Korotkov et al., 2011 ). The HR domain may also influence formation of
the IM complex ( Lybarger et al., 2009 ). GspF is the only polytopic protein in the
complex, consisting of two cytoplasmic domains sharing some sequence homol-
ogy and three transmembrane helices ( Abendroth et al., 2009a,b ). As discussed
above, this polytopic transmembrane protein is one of the most highly conserved
members of the T2S system and related machines ( Peabody et al., 2003 ).
The GspL component recruits pseudopilins processed by GspO, the prepilin
peptidase, to the IM complex ( Sandkvist et al., 1995 ) and also recruits the ATPase,
GspE, to the cytoplasmic face of the IM ( Sandkvist et al., 2000 ; Abendroth et al.,
2005 ). GspE is a member of a large ATPase family ( Robien et al., 2003 ) provid-
ing the necessary energy for the secretion apparatus to function through ATP
hydrolysis and, unlike most other proteins of its type contains zinc ( Camberg
and Sandkvist, 2005 ). The protein contains typical Walker boxes A and B ( Planet
et al., 2001 ) and is active as a hexamer ( Satyshur et al., 2007 ). GspM contains a
short cytoplasmic sequence, a transmembrane helix, and a ferrodoxin fold in its
periplasmic domain that could serve as a binding site for another protein ( Aben-
droth et al., 2004b ). GspM interacts directly with GspL through contacts in the
transmembrane domain and periplasm ( Sandkvist et al., 1999 ; Py et al., 2001 ).
The secretin GspD is part of a large protein superfamily of multimeric, pore-
forming OM proteins ( Linderoth et al., 1996 ; Collins et al., 2004 ; Reichow
et al., 2010 ). Although variations exist, some common themes of secretin
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