Biology Reference
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maintenance 'host' of Shigella represent the external environment and is its
persistence due to, as yet unidentified, traits also present in the 'free-living'
E. coli strain? Are some of the same traits perhaps shared by the other diarrheal
pathotypes of E. coli ?
Although there is an increasingly sophisticated understanding of the molec-
ular and physiological means by which E. coli diarrheal pathogens cause dis-
ease, there are many significant gaps in our understanding of the ecology/
epidemiology of these diseases.
Abraham, S., Gordon, D.M., Chin, J., et al., 2012. Molecular characterization of commensal
Escherichia coli adapted to different compartments of the porcine gastrointestinal tract. Appl.
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Alm, E.W., Burke, J., Spain, A., 2003. Fecal indicator bacteria are abundant in wet sand at freshwater
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Alm, E.W., Walk, S.T., Gordon, D.M., 2011. The niche of Escherichia coli . In: Walk, S.T.,
Feng, P.C.H. (Eds.), Population Genetics of Bacteria, ASM Press, Washington, DC,
pp. 107-123 .
Bain, M.S., Green, C.C., 1999. Isolation of Escherichia fergusonii in cases clinically suggestive of
salmonellosis. Vet. Rec. 144, 511 .
Bardiau, M., Szalo, M., Mainil, J.G., 2010. Initial adherence of EPEC, EHEC and VTEC to host
cells. Vete. Rese. 41, 57 .
Barnes, B., Sidhu, H., Gordon, D.M., 2007. Host-gastro-intestinal dynamics and the frequency of
colicin production in Escherichia coli . Microbiology 153, 2823-2827 .
Bergholz, P.W., Noar, J.D., Buckley, D.,H., 2010. Environmental patterns are imposed on the popula-
tion structure of Escherichia coli after fecal deposition. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77, 211-219 .
Besser, TE., Davis, M.A., Walk, S.T., 2011. Escherichia coli O157:H7 in reservoir hosts. In:
Walk S.T., Feng, P.C.H. (Eds.), Population Genetics of Bacteria, ASM Press, Washington, DC,
pp. 303-324 .
Bishop, A.L., Wiles, S., Dougan, G., Frankel, G., 2007. Cell attachment properties and infectivity
of host-adapted and environmentally adapted Citrobacter rodentium . Microbes. Infect. 9 (11),
1316-1324 .
Cabelli, V.J., Dufour, A.P., Levin, M.A., McCabe, L.J., Haberman, P.W., 1979. Relationship of
microbial indicators to health effects at marine bathing beaches. Am. J. Public Health 69,
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Cabelli, V.J., Dufour, A.P., McCabe, L.J., Levin, M.A., 1982. Swimming associated gastroenteritis
and water quality. Am. J. Epidemiol. 115, 606-616 .
Carrillo, M., Estrada, E., Hazen, T.C., 1985. Survival and enumeration of the fecal indicators Biido-
bacterium adolescentis and Escherichia coli in a tropical rain forest watershed. Appl. Environ.
Microbiol. 50, 468-476 .
Caugant, D.A., Levin, B.R., Selander, R.K., 1981. Genetic diversity and temporal variation in the
E. coli populations of a human host. Genetics 98, 467-490 .
Caugant, D.A., Levin, B.R., Selander, R.K., 1983. Distribution of multilocus genotypes of
Escherichia coli within and between host families. J. Hyg. 92, 377-384 .
Chaudhuri, R.R., Henderson, I.R., 2012. The evolution of the Escherichia coli phylogeny. Infect.
Genet. Evol. 12, 214-226 .
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