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Table 3-1. emctl Commands
emctl clearstate Clears the state directory contents. Files located under
$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/state will be deleted by this
emctl clearsudoprops Clears the sudo properties for the agent.
emctl config [agent] listtargets [<EM loc>] Lists all targets present in targets.xml .
emctl config agent getSupportedTZ
Shows the supported time zone based on the setting in the
emctl config agent getTZ
Shows the current time zone set in the environment.
emctl control agent runCollection
<target_name>:<target_type> <metric_name>
Manually runs the collections for a particular metric of a target.
emctl deploy agent [-s <install-password>]
[-o <omshostname:consoleSrvPort>] [-S]
<deploy-dir> <deploy-hostname>:<port>
Creates and deploys only the agent.
emctl dumpstate agent <component> . . .
Generates dumps for the agent, allowing you to analyze CPU or
memory issues for the agent.
emctl gensudoprops
Generates the sudo properties of the agent.
emctl getemhome
Prints the agent home directory.
emctl getversion agent
Prints the version of the agent.
emctl listplugins agent
Lists plug-ins deployed on the agent, their versions, and
installation directories.
emctl pingOMS [agent]
Pings the OMS to check whether the agent is able to reach the
OMS, and waits for the reverse ping from the OMS so that the
agent can say the pingOMS is successful.
emctl reload agent dynamicproperties
Recomputes and generates dynamic properties for a specified
target and generates the dynamic properties for the target.
emctl resetTZ agent
Resets the time zone of the agent. You need to do the following:
Stop the agent first.
Run this command to change the current time zone to
a different time zone.
Restart the agent.
emctl secure agent [registration password]
Secures the agent against an OMS. This will prompt for the
registration password.
emctl start agent
Starts the management agent.
emctl start blackout <Blackoutname>
[-nodeLevel] [<Target_name>[:<Target_
Type>]].... [-d <Duration>]
Starts blackout on a target.
emctl status agent
Shows the status of the agent.
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