Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Avoid using the out-of-the-box rule sets. Instead, create your own based on these stock rule sets by using the
Create Like option in the Enterprise Manager console. Once you have created your rule set, you can disable the
out-of-the-box rule sets.
Metric Collection Errors
The users monitoring a target should be configured so that their passwords do not expire or get locked. That's because
expired or locked passwords result in metric collection errors. For example, the database user configured to monitor
the database instance and cluster database targets by default is the DBSNMP user. Starting in Oracle Database 11g,
the DBSNMP profile settings are configured to expire passwords after 180 days. So after six months, your ability to
monitor goes away. Don't let that happen.
Create a separate profile that disables password expiration, and assign that profile to the monitoring user. For
example, you can create a profile named DBSNMP_MONITOR , and assign that profile to user DBSNMP . Then make sure the
profile allows unlimited password lifetime.
Enterprise security policies sometimes mandate changing passwords for such accounts. Such policies can
be inconvenient, but they are a fact of life. You will need to change passwords on the required schedule. Then ensure
that you update target monitoring properties so that they are continuously monitored. It's ideal if you can script
or otherwise automate password resets, and also the needed updating of monitoring properties that is subsequent
to them.
You have seen that Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c provides a standardized monitoring solution for IT
infrastructure and applications. It provides increased operational efficiency by automating the workflow of assigning
targets to groups, applying templates, and managing target memberships. With proper planning of standards
and operational procedures, Enterprise Manager also provides significant benefits to administrators by enabling
consistent event, incident, and problem management through rule sets. Finally, you have learned best practices for
the aforementioned features that will make managing and monitoring your environment even more seamless when
using EM12c.
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