Agriculture Reference
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salad-plant, particularly widespread in the
Arab West and known there under the
Mozarabic name ª arrāliya or its arabi-
cised form sarrā (Castilian sarraja ), while
in Morocco the Berber term tīfāf is mainly
The medicinal effect of endive was
exceptionally extensive, as can be seen in
Ibn al-Bayār's long article, where numer-
ous older sources are indicated. It is above
all effective against eye-diseases and poi-
soning, in minced form also against boils
when in their initial stage, and it strength-
ens the liver and stomach. The root helps
against scorpion-stings, and the juice
against jaundice, constipation, persistent
fever and suppurations. The ar a ª ū
mentioned above is taraxacum , the dande-
lion used in popular medicine because of
its bitter substance.
low, translucent resin from Ferula Scowit-
ziana which causes irritation of the skin
and whose smell resembles that of asa-
foetida; and camphor ( kāfūr ), the white,
transparent mass of the camphor tree
Cinnamonum camphora , indigenous in East
The word am is usually used alone
for am arabī , gum arabic, so called
because it was exported from Arab ports
and spread by the Arabs. It is the viscous
secretion gained from the bark of the
acacia tree ( al-ara , in Morocco al-al ),
which represents several varieties of the
acacia imported from Africa: Acacia sen-
egalensis , from the steppe zones of West-
and Central Africa to the right and left of
Senegal, Acacia abyssinica and Acacia nilotica ,
from Africa and India, and many others.
In medicine, gum arabic is used as a
palliative and as an astringent for drying
up putrescent ulcers. It helps the forma-
tion of new flesh in ulcers and stems the
blood which flows from wounds; it also
serves as cough medicine and for the
preparation of collyria. The drug consists
of roundish, colourless or yellowish pieces,
up to a diameter of three cm, which fall
easily into small pieces which shine like
(A. Dietrich)
Gum resins
am or ama (A., pl. umū ) indi-
cates gum resins, the desiccated latexes of
several plants and the mixtures of natural
resins ( rātīna ¡ ) with gum-like substances.
To the best-known gum resins belong:
ammoniac ( wu ªª a ), the product of the
ammoniac gum tree; the so-called dev-
il's dirt ( iltīt ), the latex of the asafoetida
( an ¡ u £ ān ) which, when exposed to the
air, hardens into a dirty-yellow gum resin;
wolfs' milk ( yattū ), in several varieties of
the class Euphorbia, with many sub-va-
rieties; galbanum ( inna ), the desiccated
latex of Ferula galbaniflua , used as spice and
medicine; myrrh ( murr ), from the bark of
several varieties of thorny shrubs of Commi-
phora abyssinica ; the often-described frank-
incense ( kundur ) from various Boswellia
varieties, indigenous in South Arabia and
Somalia; sagapenum ( sakbīna ¡ ), the yel-
(A. Dietrich)
Anzarūt , Greek σαρκοκολλα , is a gum-
resin from a thorn-bush which cannot
be identified with certainty; known from
antiquity, it is used for medical purposes.
Synonyms are: anzarū, anzarūt, kul fārisī,
kul kirmānī ; in Persian: anzarūt or an ¡ arūt,
ta ª m (< ča ª m ), kan ¡ ubā, kan ¡ u £ a,
kan ¡ udak, bāzahr-i ča ª m . Much has been
written on this drug. Formerly, the species
Penaea, belonging to the Thymelaeaceae,
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