Java Reference
In-Depth Information
adapter.setPort( 9092 );
mbs.registerMBean( adapter, adapterName );
catch( Exception e )
public static void main( String args[] )
System.out.println( "HelloAgent is running" );
HelloAgent agent = new HelloAgent();
Registers and
starts HTML
adapter MBean
Note the import statements in the listing. All classes in the JMX framework are in
the package . An additional package, com.sun.jdmk.comm , is
provided by the RI provider, Sun Microsystems. This package is considered an
unsupported contribution, meaning that the code is useful for JMX development
but is not part of the JMX specification. In particular, this package contains the
classes you need to instantiate the HTML adapter.
Creating the MBean server and HTML adapter
The HelloAgent class implements a main method that allows it to be started as a
standalone process. All it does is call the HelloAgent constructor, so let's start our
code examination there. The first step performed by the agent constructor is the
creation of the MBeanServer object.
Remember from chapter 1 that the MBean server is a Java object used to con-
tain and manipulate JMX MBeans. The MBean server is a standard JMX class
and is the heart of JMX agents. Agents acquire an instance of the MBeanServer
class by using the class. This MBeanServ-
erFactory class is a JMX class that implements the factory pattern to provide
instances of the MBeanServer class. When you need an instance of an MBean-
Server , use the factory object to create or acquire a new instance. The factory can
manage many instances of the MBeanServer class, returning a specific instance or
creating a new one (as in the case of the HelloAgent class).
Notice that the parameter HelloAgent was passed to the factory's create-
MBeanServer() method. This parameter is a String value indicating the name for
this agent's domain. A domain name is a unique identifier used to indicate a
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