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1.6 Developing with JMX
The Java Management Extensions API is currently an extension to the J2SE
platform. However, with JSR (Java Specification Request) 000174, JMX is being
evaluated for inclusion in the next release of J2SE . Having chosen to develop
applications with JMX , you will find ample support in the Java community. Not
only does Sun provide a JMX implementation, but you can also download one
from IBM .
In addition, many makers of application servers have built JMX support
directly into their products. By using servers like JBoss or WebLogic, you can
expect a certain level of JMX to be available to your applications at runtime.
However, even without support for JMX in an application server, you can quickly
and easily include a JMX agent in your Java applications. You will see examples
throughout this topic.
1.7 Summary
At this point, you should have a good understanding of the resource manage-
ment concept. We compared the current resource management environment
with an ideal one and proposed a combined environment that could be imple-
mented in the real world.
JMX provides the required services to enable the proposed managed environ-
ment. It does so with an architecture consisting of three layers: the instrumenta-
tion layer, the agent layer, and the distributed layer. The three layers help JMX
provide a scalable and flexible management system for any environment.
Chapter 2 gets you started with JMX using a typical Hello World example.
You will create a simple JMX agent and your first MBean.
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