Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The getMBeanInfo() method, declared by the DynamicMBean interface, defines the
management interface for this MBean. Your WorkflowManager MBean creates its
MBeanInfo object around the methods in the Workflow EJB 's remote interface.
This MBeanInfo object exposes one operation, advanceState() , and one read/write
attribute, State . (We describe the MBeanInfo object and how to use the metadata
classes in chapter 4.)
The MBean's constructor called the lookUpHome() method in order to get a refer-
ence to the EJB 's home interface. Because the MBean was provided with a JNDI
name for the home interface, it simply makes a call to the JNDI lookup mecha-
nism to find the home object reference.
This MBean implements the methods declared by the DynamicMBean interface
specifically for its EJB . For example, the getAttribute() method compares the
incoming attribute name to see if it is State (the setAttribute() method does the
same). The implementations of both setAttributes() and getAttributes() can
be reused because they just operate over a collection and call the getAttribute()
or setAttribute() method. In addition, the invoke() method is implemented in
a resource-generic manner.
The invoke() method uses its incoming parameter values to acquire a java.
lang.reflect.Method object from the EJB reference. After acquiring the Method
instance, the invoke() method invokes it and returns its return value. It's impor-
tant to note what is left out of this method: invoke() blindly attempts to find a
method from the EJB that matches the parameters passed to it. However, what if
a management tools passes in a method name and description that is not part of
the MBean's MBeanInfo object, but is in fact implemented by the EJB ? The invoke()
implementation would allow MBean users to invoke methods not described by
the MBeanInfo object value (even if there is only a small chance of that happening).
Each method implemented from the DynamicMBean interface should check
requests against the MBean's management interface (described by the return
value of the getMBeanInfo() method). That is, each method should make sure
the requested operation or attribute is exposed in the manner in which the
incoming request wishes to use it. Dynamic MBeans must guarantee that their
implementation matches the management interface returned by their getMBean-
Info() method.
Running the workflow manager
To test this example, you need to deploy the EJB as you did in the previous
example. In addition, before this EJB is created in memory, you must have a JMX
agent already running for the EJB to register its MBean. You can rewrite the EJB
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