Java Reference
In-Depth Information
find more information about the structure of the JBoss descriptors with the
JBoss documentation.)
Creating a JAR file
Now that you have the deployment descriptors ready, it is time to create the JAR
file for deployment into the container:
From the build directory that contains the class files and the XML files,
run the command jar -cvf ch14.jar .
Copy the JAR file to the deploy directory under the JBoss main directory.
Moving the JAR file to this location should automatically deploy the bean. The
output from the JBoss console should look like that in figure 14.5. The last two
lines in the figure indicate that the ch14.jar file was successfully deployed.
If you connect to the JMX server in the JBoss container, you should see that
your bean is deployed. Figure 14.6 should look similar to your console.
Figure 14.5
Console output from the JBoss deployment step
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