Java Reference
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For example, suppose you have built an order management system using EJB s.
These beans provide the persistence layer and the access mechanism for manipu-
lating your purchase order data. If you wanted your important customers to
receive special treatment based on order size, you could tie MBeans into the EJB s
that could introspect on the data and send alerts to a manager when the dollar
value of an order exceeded a particular level. Figure 14.1 illustrates this concept.
Such a system could ensure that large orders received the special treatment
they needed faster than a manual review process could provide. Using JMX , this
application would be quicker, simpler, and more manageable.
Accessing enterprise data with JMX
MBeans can get enterprise information two ways:
An MBean can retrieve data directly from an EJB by invoking its access
An MBean can receive data being pushed from EJB s.
Figure 14.1
MBeans accessing back-end EJBs
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