Java Reference
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The CODE attribute
CODE is a mandatory attribute used to specify the specific class that contains an
MBean implementation. In the previous simple example, the CODE attribute
specified jmxbook.ch2.HelloWorld as the MBean class for the MLET entry. The
classname must include the package name, and the compiled class must be con-
tained in one of the JAR files specified in the ARCHIVE attribute.
The OBJECT attribute
The OBJECT attribute specifies a path to a serialized object file. This attribute is
only used in place of the CODE attribute. The serialized object file must contain
the serialized form of an MBean to be loaded into the agent. Just like the CODE
attribute value, the file must be contained in one of the JAR files listed in the
ARCHIVE attribute. The attribute value can be a path and filename in order to
traverse a possible directory hierarchy in one of the JAR files.
The ARCHIVE attribute
The only other mandatory attribute is ARCHIVE . Its value is either a single JAR file
or a list of JAR files that contain the classes, objects, and resources needed to sup-
port a specified MBean class or serialized object file. If the value is a list of JAR
files, the list must be enclosed in quotation marks (") and the filenames must be
comma separated.
The agent will assume that all specified JAR files are in the same directory as
the M-let file, unless the MLET tag contains a CODEBASE attribute.
The CODEBASE attribute
This attribute is used to specify a codebase URL value for JAR files listed in the
ARCHIVE attribute. If this attribute is not specified, the JAR files are assumed to be
in the same directory as the M-let file.
Because the codebase is a URL value, you could specify any network-locatable
value. Thus an M-let file can be loaded from a remote location, and the JAR files
it lists can be in a different remote location. The value of this attribute should be
a fully qualified, reachable URL .
The NAME attribute
This attribute specifies a value for the object name for the agent to associate with
the new MBean this MLET entry describes. The value must have a domain and at
least one property value (see the previous MLET tag for a NAME example).
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