Java Reference
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The startJINIConnector() method
In chapter 3, which introduced the JMXBookAgent class, you gave it a startRMI-
Connector() method that added the RMI connector MBean to the agent. How-
ever, in that chapter, we did not discuss what took place in the code. Listing 9.7
shows the startJINIConnector() method.
Listing 9.7
The startJINIConnector() method of the JMXBookAgent class
protected void startJINIConnector()
ObjectName connectorName = null;
System.setSecurityManager( new RMISecurityManager() );
JINIServer jini = new JINIServer();
ObjectName jiniName = null;
jiniName =
new ObjectName( "JMXBookAgent:name=JINIConnector" );
server.registerMBean( jini, jiniName );
catch(Exception e)
The method creates an instance of the connector MBean (the JINIServer class)
and a new ObjectName instance for the MBean, and registers the MBean on the
MBean server. Finally, it calls the enableConnections() method of the MBean to
create and start the Jini service within.
Running the example
Now you have written all the code, you need to test this connector. To compile
and run the connector, however, you must download the latest Jini developer kit
from Once you have it, complete the following steps to
test the connector:
Compile the jmxbook.ch9 package. You need the JMX JAR s, the JMX _re-
moting.jar file from the contrib/jars folder, and the Jini JAR files in your
CLASSPATH in order to compile the agent. To compile the connector
source files, you need the JMX JAR s and the Jini JAR s in your CLASSPATH .
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