Java Reference
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private JINIServer server = null;
public JINIConnectorImpl( JINIServer server )
throws RemoteException
this.server = server;
Store reference
to Jini service
public Integer getMBeanCount() throws JINIConnectorException
return server.getMBeanCount();
catch( Exception e )
throw new JINIConnectorException( "getMBeanCount", e );
public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className,
ObjectName name) throws
return server.createMBean( className, name );
catch( Exception e )
throw new JINIConnectorException( "createMBean", e );
In order to be a Jini service, this class must be a remote class. That is, it must be
available in a Java RMI environment. Toward this end, it extends the UnicastRem-
oteObject class, which provides the service with the capabilities of a remote object.
In addition, it implements its remote interface, JINIConnector , which declares
the methods that will be available to clients.
The key feature of this class is that it contains a reference to the JINIServer
MBean from the JMX agent. This reference allows the service to make callbacks
to the MBean to perform the necessary invocations for a service client.
As you can see, the source is short. However, remember that you imple-
mented only two corresponding methods to the MBean server—to finish this
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